The Birth Chart: Understanding the graph, how it works and why it’s an indispensable tool to understand yourself

On this article:

When I started studying Astrology, I perfectly remember the confusion and the frustration that I felt the very first time I saw a Natal Chart.

Doctor Angiolucci, who was introducing me to Astrology, showed me the drawing of a Birth Chart and then he started: – “Do you see? Jupiter is in Leo and in the 8th House so it means that…”– and – “Do you see? The Sun is above the horizon so it means this…”– and – “Do you see? Mercury and Mars are in Square so it means that…” –

My face was like: “Ah, of course! Oh yes! Naturally!”, but inside my mind was like: – “Horizon?! Where do you see the horizon?? Strange symbols?? Numbers?? Lines?? Letters?? Colors?? Tables?? What a hell is this circle??!”– .

It seemed to me like watching an ancient Egyptian papyrus.

So I interrupted Angiolucci: – “Excuse me, I cannot understand what this drawing is, what’s that graphic? Why is it a circle? How it works? Why do I need that stuff to study Astrology?”–

Angiolucci answered: – “It is a scheme of the sky at the very moment of your birth, it’s obvious!” –

Me: – “Sorry Doc, IT ISN’T!”–

Now, don’t misunderstand me, Doctor Angiolucci was very good at Astrology, the point is that many experts very often talk to you like you are already a professional astrologer. They forgot how hard was at the beginning, and everything is completely new for a total beginner.

There are many people who are very interested in Astrology, but they never saw a Natal Chart, they don’t know how to get one, and, above all, they don’t know how it works and why it is useful, and even when they obtain it, they feel completely frustrated and lost.

It’s easy for them to feel despondent and then they abandon.

So, now we will see how to obtain a good graphic of your Natal Chart, and we will analyze every single piece of it, to understand how it works, its basic psychological meanings, why it is helpful to make the right psychological interpretations and why it’s a powerful tool for your personal growth.  

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2 big misconceptions about Zodiac Signs debunked: Gemini is a double-faced person and Sagittarius is an unfaithful cheater

Unfortunately, Astrology is an art full of misconceptions. They are in almost every topic related to it, and that happens because of 2 main reasons: – a lack of 360˚ knowledge of the esoteric matters and a superficial approach in a matter which would request great depth instead. 

So, many “profane astrologers”, as I define them, wrote a lot of “cookie-cutter” books full of oversimplifications and superficial interpretations and that helped in spreading misconceptions everywhere.

Of course, one of the fields of Astrology with the most part of misconceptions is the treatment of the 12 Zodiacal Signs and their basic personalities. It’s perfectly normal because the Zodiac Sign is the first, and often the only, thing which interests the mainstream audience.

And that’s why so many times I heard something like: – “Are you a Taurus? You are stubborn!” – “Oh you are a Scorpio! You are soooooo deeep!” – and many other misconceptions about almost every Sign.

So, I’m here today to debunk 2 of the biggest misconceptions attributed as fundamental psychological traits of 2 Zodiac Signs:

– 1 – Gemini is a double-faced person – 2 – Sagittarius is an unfaithful cheater in love relations.

Enough with premises. Let’s start with the first one immediately.

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Moon Phases in Astrology: find out your own one and how your Unconscious expresses itself

The first time that Doc. Angiolucci has examined my Natal Chart, I saw him murmuring something like: – Mmmmh… let me check how this Moon is… –, he quickly went to his library, taken a huge book, and started to browse it.

I asked him curiously: – Hey doc., what’s that book…? – 

He answered: – These are the Ephemerides. I have to check how is your Moon.  – 

I checked my Birth Chart, obtained with an online calculator, and it seemed complete in everything. So I asked interrogatively: – But doc… here seems everything ok, moon’s position is clearly visible, even with its precise degrees and… – 

Doc. Angiolucci interrupted me: – Oh yes, that says to us its position, but it doesn’t say to us in which phase the Moon was the day you were born. – 

At that time, I believed to already know everything about the Moon and its significances in Astrology, but that simple declaration hit me like a bolt, because it has brought to my attention such obvious thing which had been under my nose all the time: Moon has different phases, it is not “static” like the other Planets, so even the lunar phase of the day we were born is important to draw our psychological portrait in detail and depth.  

This concept is often ignored or neglected by astrologers or amateurs, because they focus in analyzing only in which Zodiac Sign the Moon is in the Natal Chart, give to it the same treatment of the other Planets. But this is a mistake.

In Astrology every celestial mechanism has its symbolic correspondence on the human plane, and so on the human psyche.

First of all, we have to remember that the Moon is already a “special” Planet and it has a particular place in Astrology, because together with the Sun, it is one of the two Luminaries, namely, the 2 fundamental Principles of the whole astrological system; they psychologically represent the 2 fundamental sides of our being: the Conscious [Sun] and the Unconscious [Moon].

It’s not a case that in Horary Astrology or Electional Astrology, the Moon is the co-significant Planet of the applicant, in other words, the aster which represents him in the Chart.

The Moon embodies one of the two opposite poles in the Cosmos: The Passive-Feminine Principle, which in Alchemy is responsible for the irradiation of one of the two Generative Universal Forces, namely the Humid. In fact, even according to Aristotle, the Moon distributes the Humid in various shapes and measures following its different phases exactly (you have to think at that allegorically and not literally, of course). 

The importance of the lunar phases it’s even more obvious if we also remember that in all the Esoteric Traditions they are a capital element to consider. For example, in Traditional Magic or even in Ceremonial Kabbalistic Magic, rituals must be made during precise lunar phases to be successful.

Astrology, as the esoteric science that treats the specific study of the Celestial Bodies, cannot give low valor to the lunar cycles and their correlations with the Men’s plane. If we reflect carefully, we will note that Astrology already gives great consideration to at least one lunar phase: the Eclipse. It is even the base of an entire branch of Astrology founded upon the Draconic Zodiac, a different Zodiac from the Tropical one or the Sideral one, which takes as reference the Moon and its Eclipse phases. However, those are advanced concepts of Astrosophy that are not important today.

The point is that, as always in Astrology, we find analogical correspondences between the moon phases and the human psyche. So, if we want to get an accurate and detailed analysis of a Natal Chart, we will not check the Moon’s position only, but we will check even in which phase was that Moon to get the exact psychological shade of the piece of the personality that it represents.

Indeed, we could see it like that: If Planets were colors, and, for example, we know that the Moon is the color Blue and we also know that it irradiates every shade of blue in different moments, well, saying just: – the Moon is the blue – is not enough. Is it blue china? Is it turquoise? An ultramarine blue? A sky-blue? A light blue? Here is the same thing; Moon is the Planet of the emotions, and emotions are multiple shades of the same essence, the Unconscious. So, the Moon’s position will tell us how is the basic “mood” of the person examined, but its phase will tell us the real nature of that mood, giving us a more refined psychological portrait.

Well, now it’s time to go more in depth about the psychological meanings of the different Lunar Phases.

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How to identify your own Planet Rulers to find out the strongest traits of your own personality

I remember when I started to attempt interpretations about the Birth Charts of people around me, one of the biggest difficulties was the great confusion in my mind because of the huge amount of information and notions that overwhelmed me. My eyes did not know what to watch first; they did bounce from a Planet to another Planet in the Chart and I was not able to complete an interpretation about something because immediately something else did catch my attention, again and again. I did try to do everything at the same time, every single interpretation, but I did get too many information and all fragmented, so the only result was to find myself disoriented and confused.

It was a paradox: I had the right knowledge of symbolisms to do the correct interpretations, but I was overwhelmed because I did not know where to start.

That’s happened because I did not have a method and so I did not have an idea about what were the priorities. Every time the same pattern: I started to analyze the Sun, then my attention was caught, I don’t know, by Venus because it was in Detriment, and while I was elaborating what that means, I noticed Saturn in Domicile in the 7th House, then I was like: – Wait… I neither finished with the Sun! But… this Saturn seems important… mmmmhhh… where the Hell I have to start?! – 

The point is that many experts teach you everything about the meanings of the Signs, Planets, etc.,  about the “what”, but they often forget to give you a practical method to make an interpretation of a Natal Chart, a logical path to follow during readings.

So I’m here today to show you the method to follow when you start analyzing your own Birth Chart, which are the priorities elements to analyze and where to focus your attention first to define your main psychological traits.

So, one of the first things to do when you start the analysis of your Natal Chart, it’s identifying and studying your own Planet Rulers, 2 particular Planets in the Chart that you can consider as your 2 main Planets which define your main and more influencer psychological characteristics.

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Astrology and Love Compatibility: Understanding the basic factors about Synastry and why they are the main love indicators

Is she the right girl for me?

Will I have a relationship with him?

Do we have a good love compatibility?

Those are some of the most frequent questions that I receive from e-mails or Facebook messages sent by my subscribers or followers, but those are even the first questions asked by students, friends or other people around me when we speak about Astrology.

That’s perfectly normal, because Love is one of the pillars of our lives, and it must be: it’s one of the keys to having a fullfilling life. So, even Astrology speaks about love and is able to give an incredible help in understanding love dynamics between 2 persons. 

We can do this through the comparison between the 2 Birth Charts of the 2 potential partners and analyzing how their respective natal celestial bodies interact each other. This comparison and study is a particular section of the Astrological Art called “Synastry”, from the ancient greek: syn – astron = “stars united together”.

Synastry is capable to say us about what type of relation we could have with others; friendship, indifference, hostility, etc. However, as I said before, it is mainly used to understand who could be the best love partner or, why not? Even the true love of our life. Because of that, now I will show you the 2 main factors you need to analyze in understanding the level of love compatibility between 2 people.

I said compatibility and not affinity on purpose because often those 2 concepts are confused, but they are 2 completely different things. Love affinity means that 2 people are similar and have many things in common, they could have a relationship based on their similarities. But love relationships can be founded upon different factors than similarity, like complementarity, integration or sexuality. 

So, when I speak about compatibility I’m speaking about all kinds of compatibility, because Astrology is capable of this level of detail.

Before going ahead, you need to keep on your mind that analyzing a single human psyche through a Natal Chart is already complex and it needs a great level of attention and accuracy. So you can understand that analyzing 2 Natal Charts together and their interaction needs at least double attention and accuracy otherwise it’s easy misunderstanding or getting wrong. 

Once I underlined that advice, it’s time to discover which astrological interactions are the main signals of love compatibility between 2 persons. I will show you the 2 fundamental factors you need to know about Synastry to start understanding it.

They are:

• Factor 1: Alchemical compatibility; elemental dynamics between Zodiac Signs

• Factor 2: Venus; compatibilities created by the Planet of Love

There are even others, but those are the factors you have to give priority during the analysis of a Synastry to know which level of love compatibility and also which kind of compatibility you could have with your potential partner, so we start from here.

They are pretty articulate and deserve a one by one treatment to make them really clear.

So, let’s go in depth:

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The 2nd House themes: Much more than just your money

Here you find:

• 2nd House themes

• How the Houses’ System works

• The House of Concrete Values

• The Gate of Hades

• The 2nd House and its opposite, the 8th House

• Planets in the 2nd House

• Declarations of the 2nd House

One of the most frequent question during the interpretation of a Natal Chart is about money, especially for beginners who attempt to understand their own one.

Nothing wrong with this, but issues come often when they focus everything on the 2nd Astrological House, because: – “I heard that it is money” -. Now, the point is that the 2nd House is even about money, but money is just a consequence of the psychological mechanisms ruled by that House. Money could be one of the effects of this House, but we need to know the causes to really understand what kind of effect will manifest.

When I was a complete beginner, I believed that the 2nd House was the money itself, so, like any other beginner, I was able to make just “cookie-cutter” interpretations about it, something like: – “You have Jupiter in the 2nd, so you will have a lot of money” – or – “2nd House in Pisces, mh… I think not so much money” -; I don’t need to say that it’s the wrong approach.

As I said before, money is just an effect of the 2nd House, so this House doesn’t represent money itself. It can speak to us about how is your psychological attitude toward money, and this is still not exact, we need to complete that statement: the 2nd House speaks about your psychological attitude toward the concept of possession.

Before going ahead, first we need to understand in depth the fundamental concepts that create the base for the psychological meanings related to the 2nd Astrological House, then we will master its intimate essence.

Astrology speaks through symbols, so analyzing every symbolism behind the 2nd House we will be enlightened about its meaning in the Birth Chart. 

The Second Astrological House is the first one of the Succedent Houses.

In fact, the 12 Astrological Houses are divided into 3 classes:

• The Angular Houses [1st – 4th – 7th – 10th]

• The Succedent Houses [2nd – 5th – 8th – 11th]

• The Cadent Houses [3rd – 6th – 9th – 12th]

This classification is similar to the Qualities of the Zodiac Signs: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, because it’s a similar symbolic concept: the 3 phases of a cycle – the beginning > the stability > the change –. In this case, the Succedent Houses are placed on the apex of the day’s phases (stability).

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The 4 most frequent criticisms that skeptics do about Astrology: Your 4 smart and classy answers to them

Last weekend, I was at a party with friends. At some point, I found myself talking about Astrology with a guy I just met; We’re joking and I told him ironically: – Oh, good! Something tells me that you are a Libra! – 

So that guy suddenly answered: – Please… don’t tell me that you believe in Astrology…? Stars are just celestial bodies millions of lightyears distant from us! They cannot influence us, it’s impossible! – 

So, I taken a deep breath, I showed my best smile and then I said:

– Well, I’m sorry, but you are starting from wrong assumptions, probably because you don’t know the subject.

You’re right, stars do not irradiate none “mumbo-jumbo magical force” that influence our lives, but Astrology doesn’t say that, it uses the stars and the other celestial bodies as points of reference to measure time, not just its quantity, but its “quality” above all.

If you are born on October 18th, it says the quantity of time, but the fact that the Sun was in Libra sign, will tell you the quality of the time when you are born, and that can tell you even the quality of who you are, and that’s just to begin… –

That guy looked at me surprised and speechless. He started to realize he knows nothing about Astrology, and the only thing he said was: – Oh… interesting… –

So, from that point, I opened a brand new world to him.

Now, the point is that who study and practice Astrology, soon or later, will must “defend” himself from criticisms of people who “don’t believe it”.

Very often, some friends of mine have been in that situation, and unfortunately, they weren’t able to rebut the criticisms, simply because they had not the necessary preparation about Astrology to respond the right way, so the only thing they were able to do was mumbling something or going away in silence.

But, if you know very well how to respond to the criticisms, giving all the right argumentations and keeping a rational and reasonable point of view about Astrology, you will see all the skeptics stay in silence instead of you, because you’ll make them understand that they are talking about something they don’t know.

Always remember, that people who criticise Astrology, 90% of times they know absolutely nothing about it, so they talk with ignorance and prejudices only.

If you give them the right answers, in the right way, you will obtain 3 great results:

  1. You will show your great preparation and competence about the subject, and this shows you as an “authority” about it, not as a superstitious person.
  2. You will defend the ancient knowledges, the universal truths and what you believe in; your ideals and your values. Remember: If you are not willing to fight for your truths, why should people believe in them?
  3. You will push those people to reflect and even to change their mind about Astrology, or at least, to be open-minded about it.

Think, you could even “give start” to a new Astrologer (this actually happened to me).

So, now I will show you the 4 most frequent criticisms about Astrology, reported by my experience, my students and my friends; and, above all, how you can effectively rebut to them; because you can bet on it: soon or later you will have to do it.

I’m here to help you best prepare for that:

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Do you know your Jupiter qualities? Discover its strength and its meanings in your own psyche

On this article:

Jupiter in Zodiac Signs:

When I was young, I was very fascinated by Planet Jupiter, for a simple reason: Jupiter is the Lord of my Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius.

When I’ve discovered it, I had no idea of what that meant. I didn’t know anything about Astrology, just some rough informations found randomly around the web. It was the time when, like many other people, I thought that the Zodiac Sign was everything in Astrology.

But that event, that simple information, was able to give the impulse to start my journey into Astrology. A question had arose in my mind: – Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter… Jupiter? A planet of the solar system? What does it have to do with me…? –  

And so it’s started my long and wonderful research for the Astrological Knowledge.

Piece after piece, I understood that the Zodiac Sign, the position of the Sun at the moment of our birth, it’s just the beginning, and that every Planet of the Solar System is important; Each one of them represents a part of our psyche and expresses specific forces and specific psychological traits.

Of course, Jupiter has been one of my first subject of studies, and it was incredible discovering that my Jupiter precisely pushed me in learning, because it represents the thirst for knowledge.

Yes, if you are a Sagittarius or a Pisces, Jupiter can have much importance in your Birth Chart, because it rules those Zodiac Signs.

But everybody needs to know their own Jupiter , because it’s important understanding its role in your psyche and how it acts on your personality.

In Astrology, symbols and symbolism are the keys to understand concepts, and that is especially true for Planets, which have thousands of years of symbolism that speaks about them.

So, now I will give you a distillate of years of studies about Jupiter, to make you able to interpret the psychological traits it embodies. I will show you all its meanings and symbols first, and how it expresses itself when is positioned in each one of the 12 Zodiac Sign later, so you can understand your own one better and how it takes its place into the wonderful mosaic of your personality.

Let’s start.

Jupiter is the 5th planet of the solar system, and the 1st one of the Social Planets or External Planets, together with Saturn, which represents also its opposite pole.

In fact, Saturn is the Contraction, while Jupiter is the Expansion.

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Uranus, Neptune and Pluto: Understanding the Collective Unconscious and its role in your personality

When Giulia, a friend of mine and one of my first students, at the beginning of her path started to study the Natal Charts of people around her, the first person she analyzed was her boyfriend. One day, she called me at my cellphone, she was very enthusiastic: – Ehi, I just found out that me and my boyfriend have Uranus, Neptune and Pluto on the same Zodiac Signs! That means we have some traits of our personalities identical, right? There’s affinity! – 

Unfortunately, I had calm down her enthusiasm, saying to her that it’s normal having the Trans-Saturnian Planets on the same Signs, because that is a characteristic that she shares with millions of other people on the World.

Then she said: – How is it possible? So, is that means Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not important in the Birth Chart…? – 

Me: – Of course they have importance, but inside their specific role, which is not about the individual sphere of the psyche but it’s about the human being as part of one unique entity: Mankind. In fact, Uranus Neptune and Pluto belong to the Collective Unconscious. –

Giulia answered puzzled: – Collective Unconscious…? Seems stuff for psychologists… –

It’s perfectly normal having those kind of questions and doubts at the beginning.

Too often, we forget that an Astrologer IS a psychologist, or better still, he is the “primordial psychologist”, because he is who dive in deep into the study and the knowledge of the Soul.

We have to remember, that despite the word “psychology” has today the meaning of matter about the study of the mind, its real meaning derives from ancient greek: “psiché – logos”; “psiché” means “soul” and “logos” means “word” or even “logic”. So the psychology is the study of the “Word of the Soul” or “Logic of the Soul”.

An Astrologer, like every other real initiated and esoterist, is the one who studies the human soul under every aspects more than everything else.

Knowing at least the fundamental concepts about psychology it’s really important for those who study Astrology if they really want to understand the human psyche in every part of it.

This is the case of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; for the Astrologer they symbolize that part of the human psyche called “Collective Unconscious”.

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The Secret of the Aspects: Your Challenges and your Tools to raise your Self-Awareness

Here you’ll find:

• The importance of the Aspects

• What is an Aspect and how it works

• Trine meanings

• Sextile meanings

• Opposition meanings

• Square meanings

• Conjunction meanings

• Harmonic Aspects and Dynamic Aspects

• Red lines, blue lines, and Aspects’ symbols

The Aspects, together with the Astrological Houses, are the most misunderstood and underrated concepts of the Astrological Knowledge.

I remember the overwhelming confusion that I’ve felt at the beginning, when I’ve tried to understand them. The big issue with Aspects, is that there are too many wrong and imprecise pieces of information about them, too often even conflicting, scattered around by amateurs and profane astrologers, because of their superficial knowledge of the subject.

Very often, they only classify Aspects as “good” and “bad”, and when you ask them about the difference between an Opposition and a Square, they say something like: – well, the Opposition is bad, the Square is “less bad”.

Every time I hear that, I don’t know if I want to laugh or to cry. What a superficiality.

I understand that it is hard to find trustful sources about Astrology, it took to me more than 20 years of studies of the ancient knowledges to find them, but the majority of times it’s enough stopping 5 minutes to reflect on it.

Astrology responds to the cosmological laws, it is in tuning with them, and the Cosmos isn’t chaos and superficiality, the Cosmos is order (in fact: from the ancient greek “kòsmos” = “order”), and the majority of times it’s a mathematical order, a geometrical order.

This is true for the Aspects especially, which are based on pythagorean geometry, developed more than 2500 years ago by the ancient School of initiated founded in Italy by Pythagoras. The Pythagorean School was one of the greatest expression of the Sacred Geometry, and, consequently, even of Astrology, because everything is connected in the Ancient Gnosis.

In Astrology, Aspects are the geometrical relations that could form between Planets or Points according their positions on the Ecliptic in your natal sky.

So, in your Birth Chart you could find these geometrical relations, it’s a common thing having some of them on the natal sky, even because there are many types of Aspects.

Those ratios are angles of various degrees between Planets or Points (AC, Nodes, etc.), but not only, they are even angles between Planets and you at the very moment of your birth.

Those angular ratios create interactions between the involvedPlanets, and, consequently, even a specific bond.

There are 5 Aspects that are commonly considered as the main Aspects:

  • Trine – angle of 120°
  • Sextile – angle of 60°
  • Square – angle of 90°
  • Opposition – angle of 180°
  • Conjunction – angle of 0°

Anyway, there are many other Aspects, often considered “minors” by amateurs and profane astrologers. Furthermore, that division in 2 categories, “majors” and “minors”, it’s too coarse and not completely exact, but it’s an advanced concept, let’s focus on the common Aspects now.

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