• Activating the course
First time you log in for The Pillars of your Personality, you need to activate the course by clicking the button “Activate Course” that you find right before the Modules. This will give you full access to all the video lessons and it activates even the progress bar.
You need to do that just once, then the course will be always active.
• About Lessons
The Lessons that compose the Course follow a logical path, so don’t skip lessons or you’ll risk missing important pieces of the course, and feeling lost in advanced modules later.
• Suggestions for a better experience
I suggest you to watch the video-lessons in full screen mode, to have the best experience of learning and to be able to see in-detail the visual explanations, the charts, the schemes, and the summary tables.
Below each video lesson you’ll find a button: “Complete lesson”.
Click it after you’ve watched the video lesson, so you’ll have a mark on all the video lessons you’ve already watched as a reminder of your progresses.
• In closing
Closing, I ask you to forgive me in advance for my accent. I’m Italian, English is my second language, and I’m trying to do my best with it.
Remember that next to each lesson you’ll find its full transcription and all its slides, fully downloadable. They could be useful to you.
Please remember to save your personal username and password, and save also the URL of this course on your bookmark to access to the course at any time in the future:
because there is no other way to access to the course from my main website.
Enjoy The Pillars of your Personality.